Personal Effectiveness Training Program
In partnership with the March of Dimes Canada, Personal Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) offers day programming for individuals who require assistance with developing skills prior to looking for work, volunteer placements or becoming active in the community.
Services include:
- Skill Training: learn from a variety of functional skill activities and participate in group activities, i.e. Life skills such as personal growth and self-awareness, fostering social skills for community reintegration, and meditation and mindfulness for emotional wellbeing.
- Physical Exercise: participate in individual and group exercise programs to promote a healthy lifestyle. E.g. tai chi, adapted yoga, swimming, and other activation activities.
- Leisure Development: take part in leisure and recreational activities while socially interacting with others in a group environment.
- Community Skill Development: engage in opportunities where participants can practice and get feedback on their life skills in real community settings with support .
- Volunteer Placements: participate in supported opportunities to give back to society as a volunteer with community organizations.